Shifting your outer world
starts from within


We are all electromagnetic beings, pure energy.

Our thoughts create emotions, emotions create vibration. The vibrational frequency we emit will be reflected back to us. In order for us to create change in the outer world, we must shift our vibrational pattern. Once I discovered this for myself, my whole life changed. I now support others in shifting their inner world to create a life aligned with their true self. I’ll help you move and transform blocked emotions, empowering you to begin living life to its fullest expression.


I support others to facilitate empowered healing, personal growth and self love.

I want you to remember who you really are; letting go of everything that isn't serving you and reconnecting with your true self.

I work with natural elements such as smudging, aromatherapy, crystals and sound healing to support you in accessing inner wisdom and opening the heart. 

Utilizing the high vibrational, intelligent energy of Reiki, my clients receive a highly tailored experience. This helps them to move and transform blocked emotions, empowering them to begin living life to its fullest expression.

I have been working as a certified Reiki Master for over five years. I have been attuned up to the Master level by the American Reiki Master William Lee Rand as well as by the Japanese Reiki Master and Buddhist Monk Hyakuten Inamoto. My style of Reiki is a combination of the Western teachings of Hawayo Takata and the Japanese Reiki techniques. You can find my lineage here.

 Replenish, Restore and Rebalance your Whole Being